Hedge planting on Sunday 24th February was the last task day of the winter. A lot of whips, mostly hawthorn, were planted alongside the busy Banbury Road, where George Green from WWT had cordoned off the road edge protected us from the not infrequent driver who was not just ignoring the “Men at work” signs, but the speed limit as well.
Tasks will continue next winter; meanwhile, if you want to volunteer and haven’t yet registered with Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, maybe now is a good time to do so during the summer hiatus. The Friends of Oakley Wood and WWT appreciate all the volunteer work that is done to make Oakley Wood a better place.

George also brought some small oak trees to plant – these had been given by a lady whose late husband had grown them from acorns, and thought the wood was a suitable place for them. What a good idea. These were planted alongside the ride below the loading bay.

See you next winter!